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Thursday, March 12, 2009

What's with our new leadership in Washington

Ok, I can handle my favorite team(s) losing a football game or something because I know that the term limit is only one year. Like you dawg fans out there that felt the sting of the yellow bug, and I don't mean some tropical disease. I mean those buzzy bees from that so called Technical Institute called Georgia Tech. Like Georgia, presidential candidate Senator McCain had a lousy second half. That democrat ground game chewed them up in the second half and sent the Republicans licking there wounds to the locker room. Unfortunately we have to wait four long years to get another opportunity to put the leftists in their rightful place, out of the White House. I have been in a state of denial since November. Reality set in when President Obama was sworn in and I couldn't bare to watch my Fox News Shows. Kinda like a Dawg fan after the whipping that Bama put on-um in the sacred grounds of Sanford Stadium. Nothing forces me into an " I wish they would just shut up with that" more than hearing the Tiders yelling that "Hay Dawgs"rammer jammer chant with the "we just beat the hall out of you !" crap that they indulge themselves in after a big win . Just as bad as watching the Democrats at their convention in '92 do the Macarana  (spelling?) Oh please , direct me to the nearest barf bag ! 
So we have to put up with this re run of the Carter Administration. Staring Hillery Clinton as the Secretary of State, and a host of ex Clintonistas in various cabinet roles, like Leon Poneta as CIA Chief. If this weren't real I'd think the cast of characters came out of a Mel Brooks comedy. But this ain't no joke. Just ask the Pols who the Administration tried to bargain their missile defense away with Russia for help dealing with Iran. Just Damn. Or How about the attempt to find agreeable Taliban to court. What ?? .  I might as well get the chips and dip ready, oil up the recliner lever because this is gonna be fun to watch, but not that funny. I just don't know how long we the United States survive this long four quarter tilt with so many fumbles already.  

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