Welcome to Jackasses and Elephants, a Counter- Progressive Blog for all the Right Reasons

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Whose Blog is this anyway ?

I got home a while ago, too wound up to unwind, and I thought I'd check out the blog to see what was going on, and found it just how I left it. On auto pilot. Since this is in its own little hidden corner on the internet, and its just a hobby interest anyway, who is going to notice. No "Jackasses of the day" for a few days now. Thar's not good, that means they are no doubt huddling. I don't want to be unfair about this, The Democrat party is "The Jackass Nation". "Asses all ! It is only when one distinguishes himself or herself do they get recognized accordingly with this dubious distinction.
Maybe Congressman Barney Frank, he had a town hall today; can't find any "youtubery" on it yet.
I've said there are some good congress persons ( all GOP, hehehhe) worth keeping, but worth the sacrifice to turn them all out. But some of these Dems like "Slobbering Barney", Cellphone Sheila, Corrine "The Gator" Brown. to name a few, they're real keepers.

Not the best, maybe something better later.

Barney reminds me of a toothless bulldog, slobber, bark, more slobber.

Barney "The Blamer" Frank, it's all Bushes fault. "Its the war, its the war"

And YES Barney is A Jackass Everyday. A First Class Ass in my opinion. You go Barney !

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