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Monday, August 10, 2009

Jackasses of The Day

Congratulations to Speaker of the House Nancy Peloci, and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer; two esteemed leaders of the National Socialist Democrat Party, and "Jackasses of the Day".
The Jackass, the symbol for the Leftist Democrat Party. How appropriate, how becoming. These two "asses" referred to American citizens who oppose Health Care Reform Legislation at these town hall meetings as "UN-American" in this USA TODAY Opinion/Editorial.

How hypocritical, and typical. I really think Speaker Peloci is more apt at foot-in-mouth disease than Vice President Biden, and that's saying something. Speaker Peloci's self appointed deplomatic/ whatever you want to call it trip to Syria: UN AMERICAN !Anyone who passionately disagrees with the Speaker's leftist point of view must be un-american .

I think it is "un-American in what these two and there leftist colleagues are pushing on the American people with this intrusive socialist agenda of a bill in HR 3200. It is Un American for the federal government to enter into competition with the private sector. That is Socialist, and UN AMERICAN

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