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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

General Powell, The Obama Republican

An Open Letter To Retired General and Former Secretary of State Collin Powell. A man whose service to our nation I have always greatly admired.
Mr. Powell, General Sir, Who are you to call yourself a Republican when you endorsed Barrack Obama. RINO you are, Republican In Name Only. No right minded republican would vote for Obama, in my opinion you are not republican at all. Where is my nurf football, I need something to toss at the screen when my fox news puts your latest comment on there. You endorse Obama and then turn around and want to act like a GOPer. Your a democrat posing as a republican. You made your choice. You and Senator Specter.  I see right through your ruse. It's called divide and conquer.
 Well General, you've got you're twelve trillion dollar deficit. How prophetic. Pontificator General Sir. May God Bless You General Powell, But you are no Republican. Who do you think you are fooling ! Apparently some. It is really quite remarkable that you, a former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs,  a former Secretary of State, and advisor to at least four presidents would have endorsed someone with as little experience as then Senator Obama over John McCain. Well, I was appalled then, but hay endorse who you want to. But why should we listen to you now. Go fishing General. Do what ever Generals, few of which are your stature do. 

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