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Sunday, May 26, 2013

Obama-n'em's second term, and the bones begin falling out of the closet.

This administration has corrupt written all over it. Whether its about the Banghazi scandal/coverup, the unethical IRS targeting of conservative non-profits, the DOJ targeting of the AP & a Fox News reporter, this administration clearly has stepped over the line on ethics, and accountability. And these are the post inaugural revaluations since November. Then there was The ATF debacle known as Operation Fast & Furious, where a couple thousand guns were allowed to fall into the hands of the Mexican Drug Cartel and resulted in one case of an ICE Agents killing. This administration screams incompetence . Incompetence ? Or is it agenda focused reckless abandon.
Of course there is the unmitigated disaster that is Obama Care.  The HHS Secretary soliciting for aid in the private sector on this latest IMO socialist vote buying scheme. 
How many have already forgotten about the billion rounds of ammo purchased by DHS, or the assault on our second amendment rights through a failed attempt in congress to further regulate firearms following the disaster in Newton Connecticut. Don't worry, Obama hasn't given up, he's poised to sign the UN Small Arms Treaty that if passed in the US Senate would circumvent the failure of the Toomey- Manchen Bill through international treaty. 
POTUS Obama, the would be tyrant promised "fundamental transformation". Now we know, that meant an ever growing, ever more intrusive, government. Just as Thomas Jefferson famously said, when the people fear the government, there is tyranny, and when the government fears the people, there is Liberty. This administration has given people every reason to mistrust, and fear the government. 

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