Today's Recipient of this blogs esteemed "Jackass of the Day" award goes to the Honorable Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX). Town Haling while Cell Phoning. Cellphone Sheila just can't put that phone down when she is being addressed by a citizen. What the ??l What a "Jackass". Is this the pinnacle of congressional rudeness or what. I hope someone does the same to her when she is chairing one of her committees on the hill. She will have deserved it. I'm sure she is well entrenched in her district to survive reelection. I can't imagine her going down in defeat. Which is a good thing. She represents her party well. I'd hate to see Cellphone Sheila out of office. Like I have said there are some good congress persons worth keeping, but worth the sacrifice in an election to turn out the whole bunch. We need to keep Battleship Sheila in commission as long as possible. Perhaps some etiquette retraining wouldn't hurt though.
Cellphone Sheila on You Tube
Update, Sat. 08/15/09
Cellphone Sheila defends herself
Cellphone Sheila says how this (HR 3200)will be "better for their lives", yah Sheila Socialism is better ha. NOT
Just say NO to Socialized Medicine
Cellphone Sheila defends herself
Cellphone Sheila says how this (HR 3200)will be "better for their lives", yah Sheila Socialism is better ha. NOT
Just say NO to Socialized Medicine
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