Welcome to Jackasses and Elephants, a Counter- Progressive Blog for all the Right Reasons

Sunday, August 30, 2009

God's Speed Senator Kennedy, however.....

Senator Kennedy is dead and I ain't not feeling to great either. Naw,  "I'm in great shape, for the shape I'm in". Political icons have passed before us. President Reagan's "State" Funeral was a moving event for the greatest Commander-in-Chief   since "TR". Ok, I'm right wing biased. Thats the left's fault ! I thought the coverage of Senator Kennedy's passing was fitting and appropriate, although I tried to watch as little of it as possible. We can't let the left use the emotion of the moment to galvanize support for Nationalized Health Care legislation. They will try to use the late senators legacy to recast the latest attempt at socialized medicine into something like a "Kennedy Health Reform Act" or something. You know they will.. We've got to keep up the fire against the radical lefts agenda to implement this "trojan horse" policy. It is socialism getting the foot more in the door that it already has. With the G O P losses in the last election, and Senator Sphinkter Spector's defection and Al Freakin Frankin's win in Minnisota the Democratic Party had a fillabuster proof  super majority in the senate. Hopefully not any more, if only temporarily.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Whose Blog is this anyway ?

I got home a while ago, too wound up to unwind, and I thought I'd check out the blog to see what was going on, and found it just how I left it. On auto pilot. Since this is in its own little hidden corner on the internet, and its just a hobby interest anyway, who is going to notice. No "Jackasses of the day" for a few days now. Thar's not good, that means they are no doubt huddling. I don't want to be unfair about this, The Democrat party is "The Jackass Nation". "Asses all ! It is only when one distinguishes himself or herself do they get recognized accordingly with this dubious distinction.
Maybe Congressman Barney Frank, he had a town hall today; can't find any "youtubery" on it yet.
I've said there are some good congress persons ( all GOP, hehehhe) worth keeping, but worth the sacrifice to turn them all out. But some of these Dems like "Slobbering Barney", Cellphone Sheila, Corrine "The Gator" Brown. to name a few, they're real keepers.

Not the best, maybe something better later.

Barney reminds me of a toothless bulldog, slobber, bark, more slobber.

Barney "The Blamer" Frank, it's all Bushes fault. "Its the war, its the war"

And YES Barney is A Jackass Everyday. A First Class Ass in my opinion. You go Barney !

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Jackasses of The Day Wed. 08/12/09

The National Socialist Democrat Party, the gift that keeps on giving !
Today's Recipient of this blogs esteemed "Jackass of the Day" award goes to the Honorable Representative Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX). Town Haling while Cell Phoning. Cellphone Sheila just can't put that phone down when she is being addressed by a citizen. What the ??l What a "Jackass". Is this the pinnacle of congressional rudeness or what. I hope someone does the same to her when she is chairing one of her committees on the hill. She will have deserved it. I'm sure she is well entrenched in her district to survive reelection. I can't imagine her going down in defeat. Which is a good thing. She represents her party well. I'd hate to see Cellphone Sheila out of office. Like I have said there are some good congress persons worth keeping, but worth the sacrifice in an election to turn out the whole bunch. We need to keep Battleship Sheila in commission as long as possible. Perhaps some etiquette retraining wouldn't hurt though.

Cellphone Sheila on You Tube

Update, Sat. 08/15/09
Cellphone Sheila defends herself

Cellphone Sheila says how this (HR 3200)will be "better for their lives", yah Sheila Socialism is better ha. NOT
Just say NO to Socialized Medicine

Wednsday's ramblings

What is bringing people out of the wood work? Is it the current debate over health care, or a growing mistrust among the American People of the Obama Administration and the Democrat Party. I think there is a "great awakening" among the American electorate. People are rediscovering what it means to be a people of Liberty. America is waking up. Why, because we know a sleazy sales pitch when we see one. Who do these guys think they are fooling ? How can we start up a new entitlement program as this will be and it be deficit neutral. We can't, it's impossible. Why are they in such a rush to pass this, because 2010 is an election year and the National Socialist Democrat (NSD) Party will never survive the next election with its majority intact if this debate rolls into the election season. They may not now anyway (hehe). But for now we are stuck with 'em. Assuming our Republic survives in it's present form long enough to make it to the "mid terms", the left is supplying plenty of issues for the fodder. I think what many people fear is the sense that our government is growing out of control, and the person at the controls has us on the wrong tracks. Socialism.

They contrive emergencies to justify government action.. An emergency was 9/11, an emergency was Hurricane Katrina's aftermath.Bailing out automobile manufactures to avoid their inevitable bankruptcy, firing the CEO of the company and then converting their bailout into government ownership, fascism ! Bullying debt holders to orchestrate bankruptcy proceedings. Thuggish ! An emergency is not spending money to avert a notional economic collapse that in reality was a market adjustment in an economic cycle. Passing a hurried, virtually unread, huge seven hundred plus billion dollar, one thousand ear mark spending fiasco, of which most will not kick in until 2010(election year) GO FIGURE !

Whether the political regime is Republican, or National Socialist Democrat as is now the case, whether the situation is real or manufactured as is now the case, the following pattern seems to happen. Create the sense of an emergency to justify the urgency to pass legislation into law to expand the role, power, and authority of government. The expanded government footprint almost never is reigned in, another layer of bureaucracy thus becomes entrenched. The law of unintended consequences must be considered when establishing new bureaucratic endeavors especially with regard to how future administrations use them.

We have Congressional over site, but as we have seen with the last two administrations, both Obama and Bush, when the power is concentrated in one party with both Congress and the President, the threat of Tyranny emerges because the willingness of congress to police its own parties president is not there. As the political divide continues to widen the swing in policy becomes more drastic. A program, policy, agency, or bureau that was once created as a deterrent against external threats could be used as a weapon against legitimate domestic descent. In this situation I am referring to the creation of a certain federal agency following 9/11. Upon the regime change, a short time there after the secretary of a department came out with a statement that identified right of center ideological entities as being suspicious. What ? Is the political infrastructure and only the powers that be knowing only what else is nearly in place preparing to bring about Change that nobody will want once implemented. If I sound suspicious I am.

The Catalyst of Change must be avoided. But what would that be ? Social unrest. Fringe groups stepping outside the political system inciting violence, or nothing. We must continue to use the democratic process to preserve the Republic in the present form that has been effective for over two centuries. If the threshold is crossed by a regime upon which our current form of government no longer exists, then the conversation must modified to correlate to the new paradyme. I don't believe that is a discussion we want to have under the present circumstance.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Crowd gets their say

Being off from work this week has given me the opportunity to catch up on this Health Care Reform Debate, Today Democrat Senators McCaskill(MI)and Specter(PA) entertained some well deserved questions from their state constituents. I think both Senators handled their crowds professionally, unlike Congressman Scott(D-GA13th). I think the best moment was when McCaskill asked her constituents if they trusted her, and with unity the chorus responded "NO". It reminded me of this scene from Monty Python's "Life of Bryan"

Well, a little abstract I guess but that's rarely used brain cells trying to wake up.

And of course Senator Specter's Town Hall Meeting

Monday, August 10, 2009

Jackasses of The Day

Congratulations to Speaker of the House Nancy Peloci, and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer; two esteemed leaders of the National Socialist Democrat Party, and "Jackasses of the Day".
The Jackass, the symbol for the Leftist Democrat Party. How appropriate, how becoming. These two "asses" referred to American citizens who oppose Health Care Reform Legislation at these town hall meetings as "UN-American" in this USA TODAY Opinion/Editorial.

How hypocritical, and typical. I really think Speaker Peloci is more apt at foot-in-mouth disease than Vice President Biden, and that's saying something. Speaker Peloci's self appointed deplomatic/ whatever you want to call it trip to Syria: UN AMERICAN !Anyone who passionately disagrees with the Speaker's leftist point of view must be un-american .

I think it is "un-American in what these two and there leftist colleagues are pushing on the American people with this intrusive socialist agenda of a bill in HR 3200. It is Un American for the federal government to enter into competition with the private sector. That is Socialist, and UN AMERICAN

This seal is that of the United States Department of Health and Human Services. If the legislation currently known as HR 3200 eventually becomes law, the Secretary of DHHS will in fact be no doubt the most powerful cabinet position in the Federal government. Powerful from having the greatest impact on individual lives.
I oppose this legislation because of its invasive compulsory nature. If this bill did not include a mandatory option for insurance coverage, I might be more open to it in some drastically scaled down version. The fact is it is not voluntary. You the American citizen will be required to have Health Care Insurance. You will have no choice in the matter. If you are not enrolled in a federally accepted plan, you will be required to take basic coverage offered in the public option. If you do not, you will be fined. Yes this legislation is to be enforced under the IRS code, for every month you do not have coverage, you will be fined. Now I believe that everyone should have some sort of insurance, but to make this mandatory goes entirely to far. We are a free people, we have liberty, within the constraints of the Law. This legislation takes free will away from the American people. It is both invasive in principle and tyrannical because it imposes penalty on anyone who would otherwise elect to not take any coverage in favor of say a medical savings account. Oh, you can opt out under certain conditions if you can prove you are a member of a religious sect that does not accept medical treatment.
Now that is my second issue with this bill. Since when is it our government's business where or how we practice our faith. This is a second violation of our liberty.
Tyranny, it was Thomas Jefferson who commented that "where people fear the government , there is TYRANNY; where the government fears the people, there is LIBERTY. I ask you the American Citizen, do you live in Tyranny, or Liberty.
Now the Federal government could in fact cover the uninsured without this invasive policy, but it wouldn't have the level of control over individual lives that it will if HR 3200 becomes law.
This legislation is more about control than it is about helping people in need.

The Arrogance of Congressman David Scott (D-Ga)

Congressman David Scott, Democrat from Georgia at a town hall meeting responding to a question on health care.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

National Socialist Democrat Party

"A Government big enough to provide everything you need is big enough to take everything you have".......Thomas Jefferson


So what is going on with this so called Health Care Reform effort on the part of the RADICAL LEFT. Obviously people are rightfully outraged at democrat efforts to take governmental control of health care. The Federal Government of the United States through socialist engineering is moving ever closer to a state tyranny over the American people. In this bill, I find where anyone who does not take health care will be fined. Let no one fool you, democrats use the lable "progressive" but there is nothing progressive about their programs. If any thing this democrat led government is an excercise in what I call "Progressive Regression". Progressive, more like Socialist or Fascist. Descent is under attack. I know many of us have seen the concerned citizens voicing their opinions to their local representatives, and excercising their right to freedom of speech and coming under attack for doing so.
How about this, a tax on individuals without acceptable health care coverage. Yup, In HR 3200 Subpart A, sec59. You will be taxed if you do not have what the federal government deems "acceptable" insurance.
Oh, exemptions include "religious sect" in other words if you are into a religous sect that refrains from medical care, and yah you have to prove it. then your exempt. Subpart A, sec59b,c(5).
That alone is an assault on our liberty. Now I believe that it is in ones best interest to have some kind of health care insurance. But to mandate this through law, and enforce it through the IRS is nothing short of tyrannical. I believe that this current stock of democrat controlled congress and the usurper-in-chief with it's neo- marxist agenda who occupies the White House seems to be attempting to transform our Republic into what may one day become a totalitarian state, or in the least a European style welfare state. They, the National Socialist Democrat Party are expanding government control over the American People through "Socialist" engineering. This is more about control than helping people in need.They truly represent an assault on the freedoms and liberties that have been cherished in this country since the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In fact the spirit of the Declaration of Independence", its meaning is under assault. Liberty is under assault. Freedom is under assault !
I took an early view of, give the guy a chance but a sense of a sinister agenda behind this administration lingered. Everyday I have hoped that it would somehow convince me that I was wrong in my gut about it. So far this administration has done nothing but reinforce my views; although I am still holding out hope.

How about the rat your neighbors out effort. That in itself is "fishy".

Right out of Nixon's playbook. And I thought Obama was "Carteresque". Maybe as weak(er) as Jimmy Carter in foreign policy, and as paranoid as Nixon domestically. That is bad. So can we assume that the "plumbers" are out stopping leaks. Who knows, that was a covert team. Obama, and the radical left seem to have the SEIU(Service Employees International Union) in his hip pocket to thug out the voices of descent. Much more overt.

The Victim on FNC

And to close this out Glenn Beck

Gallup Daily

Busting Obamacare 3