Change, you can believe it has arrived. I believe it, but I don't believe in it. If Jefferson could only see us now. "Most bad government has grown out of too much government". This didn't start with the Obama Administration, but it sure has sped up since his inauguration. I didn't vote for that fellow. Nor would I in this lifetime either. Our march toward Socialism has moved up to a "quick time" pace. Were it not for those patriots who attend these events in great numbers making their voice heard the pace would be at double time. The party that balked at Reagan for raising the National Debt, that prided itself on higher taxes during the Clinton years to lower said debt, is now the author of quadrupling it over the next decade. Congratulations "Jackasses". Now our Government is the fifty one percent co owner of America's largest auto manufacturer, GM; partial owner of Chrysler, countless banks, the largest insurer in the world (AIG), oh Fannie Mae, Freddie Mack and if they get away with it will be the largest guarantor of Health coverage too. The Congress Woman featured below has it right.
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