Where do I start ? It is nearly impossible to keep up with the news cycle. The War in Afghanistan. Obama's War on Free Enterprise, Fox News Channel, The U.S. Chamber of Commerce,The Health Insurance Industry and Freedom Loving Americans Everywhere has provided an endless stream of opine material. Is it possible for the enemy of the state to be the state itself ? The greatest threat to our Liberty is the State'ism that the left is engaged in. Not only is it possible, it is what it is. The Congress of the United States, led by leftist ideological fools (progressives) is on the verge of dragging our country over the socialist cliff into the oblivion of the Nanny State. From the United States of America to the United States Socialist Republic. Yup, "change" is coming, and at the rate we're borrowing and printing money, it is all we'l be left with. Two centuries of economic evolution being disassembled in short order in the name of progressivism; more like
The Health Reform Legislation is not about helping those in need, don't be fooled. It is about controlling people. It is about securing political power by buying off the electorate with entitlements.
Welcome to the Democrat Plantation. Whats new, once the election cycle democrat rhetoric gets cranked up, we will hear phrases like "those mean nasty republicans will take away your benefits.(insert your health care). An elected official (democrat)once told me that the first priority in politics is getting elected, the second priority is getting reelected.. Don't believe Obama,- about anything , eventually you will loose your choices under this socialist scheme. It is only a matter of time.
The Best Thing the Government Can Do Is Get The Hell Out of The Way
Since secession is not a viable option, and our state governments are too chicken-shit to stand up to the Progressive Imperialist Hoard, would David please step forward, Goliath is trying to smother us. Our only legal recourse is the U.S.Supreme Court somehow, and the democratic process. How often have I heard a democrat(dirty word in my vocabulary) make reference to the fact that countries in Europe have state provided health care and we should too". We ain't Europeans !
America didn't become great because of her government provisions, she became great because our founders had a vision of a people that could live free from tyranny in government. "Most bad government has grown out of too much government" - Thomas Jefferson. They adopted a constitution to secure those freedoms, they recognized God, Our Creator. The language of the Declaration of Independence recognized our creator and that our rights were endowed from God, not from a government. That is why the left seeks to chase the liberating power of christianity out of the public discourse. So that people will mistakingly come to the belief that the Constitution granted us rights. Such wrong headed idealogy as forwarded by Slick Willy. Bill Clinton. The Constitution is a contract between the people, the states and the federal government. It specifies what the government is granted the power to do on our and our states behalf, not what said government allows us to do. Somewhere along the way the godless left has through our education system tricked people into believing the latter over the former.
This political circumstance that we are currently living with was brought about by a combination of a racially inclined faction, an economic crisis(still on going), an unpopular war, and a republican leadership that was deserving of being tarred and feathered rebuke. The Change that was brought into power has thus far proven to be worse than any status quo.
To Be Continued............